
What I've Been Reading in Preparation for 2007

This time of year always heightens my optimism for the upcoming year, as I think to myself,

"This year will be the year I get in shape;"
"This year will be the year I have my finances completely in order;"
"This year will be the year that I catch up with old friends;"
"This year [insert another well-meaning determination here]."

To get me in the spirit, I always read all of those articles highlighting the Best Ofs and Worst Ofs, Resolutions, and Promises for a Brighter Tomorrow. I am ever the optimistic realist, so here's a sampling of some of the articles I have been reading, which hopefully will provide some real practical advice for your new year:

Kiplinger has a host of thoughts on the matter, from Getting Rich by Getting in Shape to How to Decide Whether to Rent or Buy to Advice More Aimed at Younger Folks just starting out (like moi - though I heartily disagree with #2 for responsible consumers). Their primers on Ways to Get Ahead and How to Start Investing are also worth a read.

The Fool never disappoints. It had 10 Good Resolutions, some of which I will actually use, for 2007.

Since there are a lot of similarities between physical health and financial health goals, from the small steps needed to start to the ways to actually achieve them, I have also been glancing at how to actually do that as well this year. The government's even in on the idea - check out Small Step for some help on getting started.

My list is forthcoming, but in the meantime, I would love to know what's on your New Year's Resolution List for 2007 and what you accomplished from last year's list? Best of luck!