
FSF: Free 16x20 Digital Print

Thanks to Andrew for letting me know that the link below seems to be DOA. They must have pulled it. Sadness. I hate to be a misinformer. To make it up to you, at least those of you on the East Coast, Baskin Robbins is offering a free scoop of ice cream until the 13th, which I hope you can enjoy. Check out the link here.

With spring in the air, trees a-blossoming, bunnies a-hopping, and people a-smiling at the thought of warmth on the horizon, get out and capture some of those great spring moments with your digital camera. Take advantage of Kessler Color's offer for a free 16x20 print of one of your better snapshots.


Andrew Maiman said...

The link is 404 and there's no mention of the deal on their site. Guess they pulled it?

The Financista said...

Thanks, Andrew. Seemingly, they did pull the link. I promise that it did work when I posted it! Thanks for the heads-up.