
Free Stuff Friday (FSF): Taxes and Tea, Still a Party

This week has been abnormally busy, but here are a couple of things to brighten your Friday. I am amused to remember that the first led to the dumping of the second, and that my taxes still inspire that same kind of rage from me 200 years later.

The IRS allows you to file for free online, if you make less than a certain income. The small print says:

Free File allows taxpayers with an Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) of $52,000 or less in 2006 to e-file their federal tax returns for free. That means 70 percent of all taxpayers – 95 million taxpayers – can take advantage of the Free File program.

Since my assets are simple (read: meager), there's no reason for me to get someone else to do my taxes (as much as I would love it). You can find the requisite forms here.

Then, to calm yourself down over the absurd tax code (flat tax anyone?), enjoy a nice cup of organic tea with your free sample from Yogi Tea.